localites > stories > worldwide volunteer programs to save our beaches - iii


Dec 5


Worldwide volunteer programs to save our beaches - III

“I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean
Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens
Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.
I hope you dance”
- Lee Ann Womack (I Hope You Dance)

Our ecosystems are collapsing and we need to offer them all the love we possibly could. We owe our entire lives, everything we ate, wore, lived under – to nature. We need to buckle up and start planning our adventures around services we could offer to the planet.

As we end this series (Part I, Part II), we would also like you to leave with resources to find for more volunteer opportunities across the Globe, and to your preferred destinations. There is an opportunity to care and an opportunity to act no matter where you are. Here are a few places where you can find volunteer opportunities that pop up around the year:

  • GoEco is an ecotourism company that offers a variety of ethical volunteer opportunities abroad at affordable prices. The platform acts as a gateway between opportunities and travelers willing to volunteer. It started with connecting people with sea rescue centers in different countries, to now ranging across diverse options in wildlife conservation, ocean conservation and recovery or treatment based initiatives.
    Reference: https://www.goeco.org/
  • Ocean Conservancy is an incredible initiative fighting for trash free seas. They target comprehensive programs around people, ecosystems and local economies. They help you to find currently running programs on the word map. Though a few programs run during certain months, there are weekly programs that keep springing up every now and then around the world and Ocean Conservancy is your place to find the most recent programs happening in your vacation week. They can also help you to host your own events and start your own clean ups, which could be a great opportunity for our localites ambassadors.
    Reference: https://oceanconservancy.org/trash-free-seas/international-coastal-cleanup/volunteer/
  • Clean Ocean Action is your place to find volunteer opportunities with your personal interests. They cover beach sweeping, videography or photography, advocacy, education, fundraising, admin work, and social media. It allows you to be in your element role while you travel and do your part for the world. You can sign up as a volunteer , and receive updates frequently about positions and their events available.
    Reference: https://www.cleanoceanaction.org/
  • GoAbroad is another gem to this resource collection. An amazingly user friendly platform where you simply need to enter the country you plan to visit and the duration filter you are available for. It allows you to volunteer for a variety of causes and across various sectors, environmental conservation being one of the most popular one of them.
    Reference: https://www.goabroad.com/volunteer-abroad/search/environment/
  • If you have a special place for a certain sea animals in your heart, Ocean volunteers is the place for you. Apart from the regular option to search opportunities by country, it also allows you to search for opportunity by the animal. You could be a shark-person or a dolphin-person, and you can find volunteering opportunities for 9 different sea animals and millions of sub-species under them.
    Reference: https://marineconservationvolunteer.com/about/

We feel environmental care is the best cause to contribute towards while traveling because, with other cases, cultural differences or language barriers may prevent you from giving your 100% effort to the cause. The nature around the world though, is the same and yet different. The flowers and trees may look or smell different, but they are the same manifestation of kindness, love and beauty in other different countries. We hope you give these opportunities a thought and expand your travel experiences to learning, serving, and enjoying.

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Thanks for reading.

Have a good day!
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