
A Localites Ambassador represents their city!

Become a Localites Ambassador and represent your city globally. Get some cool goodies and support from the team in building a community in your city.

Host weekly or monthly community events/city-walks/share-a-meal-together in your city and win lots of goodies and a chance to officially get invited at the Localites Annual Summit as soon you hit 100 friends in the community!

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What is a Localites Ambassador?

A Localites Ambassador represents their city.

Localites' mission is to remove all the bridges of inconveniences during one's travel by creating a global community of people where everybody is welcome and everybody is valued. Being a part of the localites ambassador program, you commit that you are passionate about travel and would be happy to come forward whenever someone in the community needs help visiting your city by providing them needful assistance.

A localites ambassador also hosts events in their city weekly or monthly. Events can be about anything from learning sessions to a city-walks or sharing a meal together. A localites ambassador also encourages others to be a part of the Localites community and teach them more about it.

As soon as your application gets approved, you'll see an ambassador label on your localites profile in the community mobile application.

If there's no activity found for 3 months as an ambassador, your ambassador position will be withdrawn.

How can I enroll?

To enroll, please go through the guidelines and submit your application.

You're a part of the community

We only accept applications for this program from our community members. So before you apply to enroll in this program, make sure you are a part of the localites community and have completed your profile.

Come forward and host events, walks

Events, city-walks, sharing a meal are an integral part of the Localites community. We want to support those ambassadors who regularly host events and show their passion for traveling and connecting with people.

Have at least 10 friends

Before you consider enrolling in this program, make sure you have 10 friends in the community. If none, invite your travel buddies from the community application's Invite & Win section and send them a friend request once they complete the profile.

Be open and friendly

The heart of the Localites community is people. Feel free to share your stories with people you meet at the events and be open to ask anything or share. Don't feel judged or shy, the real beauty lies in sharing and caring. Because stories connect us.

Submit your application

You'll get a response from our side within 2 weeks.


Go through localites ambassador program resources to learn more.


Euidebook will help you understand what localites is all about. If you still have a question or doubt, feel free to reach us.



Eventbook will help you decide what all types of events can be hosted. If you have an idea, feel free to suggest us.



Growbook will help you in growing your community and also growing your friends within the community.

coming soon