
Community guidelines
Let's love the community!

We want Localites to be an authentic and safe place for localites from all over the world who love traveling and meeting new people.

Help us foster this community.

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Community guidelines

Let's build a global community of localites, together.

The short

The Localites community is committed to making your travel worthy by connecting you with the native or residents who know the city's ins-outs profoundly and are interested in showing you their city or host you or pick-up you. We want Localites to be an authentic and safe place for localites from all over the world who love traveling and meeting new people. Help us foster this community. Respect everyone in the community and do not hurt anyone’s feelings.

The long

Localites is a community of people from different cultures, ages, countries, and beliefs. We’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the different points of view that create a safe and open community environment for everyone.

We created the Community Guidelines so you can help us foster and protect this amazing community. By using Localites, you agree to these guidelines and our Terms of Use. We’re committed to these guidelines and we hope you are too. Overstepping these boundaries may result in disabled accounts or other restrictions.


i) Before becoming a localite, be a genuine human being first

What yesterday mattered to us was people! What today matters to us is people! And what tomorrow shall matter to us is people! Localites is all about people and we expect everyone who becomes a part of the community to be a genuine person and have the basic sense of being a human being.

ii) Try to be interesting, extrovert, and sharing

Travelers prefer meetings those localites who love to share their stories, wisdom, thoughts, memories, and like to talk. So if you want to use Localites, try to be extrovert rather than one who doesn’t like to talk.

iii) Join if you like traveling and meeting new people

Again, if you don’t like traveling or meeting new people, please don’t join. We expect those who really believe in: ‘Traveling makes us better human beings!’

iv) Join only if you’re an individual; travel agents/companies are not allowed

The Localites community does not accept any registration or sign-up from a travel agent/company. If community suspect a user is overstepping this guideline, that account will get disabled immediately without any notice or communication with the user.

v) Follow the law

Localites is not a place to support or praise terrorism, organized crime, or hate groups. We have zero-tolerance when any sexual behavior, threatening, or hatred reported by a member of the community. Always follow the law and be and behave in limits.

vi) Respect other members of the localites community

We want to foster a positive, diverse community. We remove members who threat or spread hate speech, try to harass someone, and send unwanted messages.

It's never OK to encourage violence or attack anyone based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, disabilities, or diseases.

Serious threats of harm to the public and personal safety aren't allowed. This includes specific threats of physical harm as well as threats of theft, vandalism, and other financial harm. We carefully review reports of threats and consider many things when determining whether a threat is credible.


i) To beat the algorithm, keep your profile up-to-date and behave gently

Our search algorithm takes a lot of attributes including - profile completion percentage, your story, photos, behavior, total trips, friends, etc. to rank you in the search results. If your profile gets reported by a user, our algorithm will put you down. So make sure, you behave gently with all members of the community.

ii) Incomplete profiles does not appear in our search algorithm

If your profile is incomplete, it won’t appear in the search results. Our algorithm will give high priority to those users whose profile is complete and up-to-date.

iii) Verified accounts are given more priority

If your account has been verified successfully by the Localites team, it will be given priority in the results. To submit a verification request, you can visit the ‘Settings’ section in the app.

iv) Premium users are more likely to get/accepted frequent trip requests

If you are a premium user of Localites, we’ve experienced that your trip requests get accepted instantly and those users receive frequent trip requests from travelers.

v) Foster meaningful and genuine interactions

Help us stay spam-free by not contacting people for commercial purposes without their consent. Please connect with people only if you are traveling to their city or if they are visiting your city.


i) If found suspected, the account will be disabled

If community suspects an account is being used non-purposefully, it will get disabled immediately. Again, we have zero tolerance when someone tries to use the platform for their commercial purpose.

ii) If your account gets reported because of ‘Sexually assaulted’ or ‘Asked for dating’, we won’t wait for a second to take the action.

iii) If you’ve signed up as a travel agent or company, we won’t consider even asking you the reason. It’ll be disabled immediately.

iv) Sending a trip or friend requests to unknown people non-purposefully may result in disabling the account too.

v) Attention seeker may also get disabled too. If you try creating fake public trips to get attention, it may also result in disabled accounts or other restrictions.

Help us keep the community strong and safe:

i) Each of us is an important part of the localites community. If you see something that you think may violate our guidelines, please help us by using our built-in reporting option in the app. We have a global team that reviews these reports and works as quickly as possible to take action that doesn’t meet our guidelines.

ii) Many disputes and misunderstandings can be resolved directly between members of the community. If someone tries to send you to offer again and again and you’re not interested in it or already have found someone, you can simply chat with that person and say no or simply decline the offer.

iii) We trust you that you’ll support the community and follow these guidelines to help travelers get amazing local life experiences and boost your local tourism, culture, tradition, foods, and languages internationally.

iv) Have fun and travel a lot, but travel safe!

Thank you for helping us create one of the best communities in the world,

The Localites Team