Localites > Stories > Stories of Change


Feb 18


Stories of Change

Sometimes I sit and wonder, what is my favourite thing about this world? What makes this planet so alive and special for me?

A part of me knows it’s the animals, the fishes, the trees, the fire and the water. But then I look at humans and wonder, while most species exist, humans create. They create a zillion stories every day.

A group of humans wanting to create together is indeed my favourite thing about this planet. A shared goal and vision is my favourite thing about this world. People trying to change lives is my favourite thing in the world.

Localites came to life because it believed in a community of travelers who could bring the heritage of local experiences to one another. Each organisation has a story, and today we will look at a few that will make your heart go warm and full.

Recently on a session about using art for social change I came across an interesting graph that showed that art or rather ‘social art’ was the intersection point between the elite and the masses, and between powerful ideas and action. Psychological suffering is indeed inevitable, but maybe the whole point of life is in the expression of this suffering. Ancient tribal communities in any culture had something in common - the process of creating art together as communities. These communities were happier and healthier. Today an organisation called NEST is bringing the goals of Global economic inclusivity, Women’s well being and cultural preservation together. Though an organisation working on a global level with more than 100 countries, it’s work is very local in nature. It empowers women in their local communities to practice and preserve their local handicrafts. It works towards societies where artists are leaders and not slaves. They call their work as ‘ethical handicrafts’ and work towards well being as well as cultural preservation of traditional craftsmanship. Founder Rebecca van Bergen herself grew up with a great grandmother and a grandmother who were sewers and quilters, and realized the power of self expression and opportunity that lied in local crafts which led to the creation of NEST when she was only 24 years old. For more: https://www.buildanest.org/

Let’s now take our minds to the East African community. The wildlife on this part of the planet is a magnificent patch of life and creation in itself. However, it is love, care and empathy towards the voiceless, that must help them survive on a planet that otherwise is designing itself around destructing habitats. GORILLA DOCTORS is a non profit initiative by a group of people who decided to devote their lives in care and treatment of our evolutionary cousins. They work in Rwanda, Uganda and the National Republic of Congo, and provide for a ‘ One Health Approach’. This approach works is dedicated to conserving the mountains and treating endangered animals with direct hands on care. I remember studying in grade 6 Geography, that it is not the mere presence of water, air or sunlight that makes our planet suitable for life, but the interaction that takes place between the different spheres of biodiversity, soil, air and water. This simple principle is also recognized by GORILLA DOCTORS who clearly claim that the life of each gorilla is directly connected to the survival of the entire ecosystem of East African Mountains. The project has a long history as it started in mid-1980s and is still thriving to save the world one gorilla at a time.

I invite you now to come a little more towards the east with me, right here in the country of Afghanistan. Khaled Hosseini- the popular Afghan- American novelist once said “ There are a lot of children in Afghanistan, but little childhood.” AMMC - Afghan Mobile Mini Circus for Children, understood this. They recognized that the government as well as NGOs were working hard towards educating the children, eradicating malnutrition and poverty and providing health services. But they also realized the need to introduce soft values and create ‘joyful childhoods’. They move around the country and bring together children for festivals and children assemblies. It is a magnificent interaction of essential education and entertainment. The performances and events are delivered by local Afghan artists, are relevant to the contextual lives of the children in those communities and bring together dance, music, singing and several forms of artistic expressions that often get suppressed or forgotten. It reminds the community that celebrating and creating joy is as essential as food and water. For more: http://afghanmmcc.org/

Often we get so caught up in reading about everything that is wrong with our dystopian world, that we forget to look at people who know how to find purpose and joy in these same places. This was just about 3 organizations, and I can assure you there are thousands of such more in your country alone.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has” - Margaret Mead

Would you like us to share a story about your local community in the next story? If yes, email us at [hello at localites dot co] and we will get in touch with you, and make sure your story gets heard.

We as a global community looking forward to listen to your story. Join the community and spread a word of togetherness.

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Have a good day!
Team Localites

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