localites > stories > introducing, askAnything!


Oct 21


Introducing, askAnything!

Traveling is 10% exploring and 90% asking questions. Where to go? What to see? Where to go when traveling on time crunch or money crunch? Safety concerns? Where can I get this for cheaper? Is it normal to have squishy stuff in the soups here? Am I packing the right clothes? and on and on.

One of these days a traveler will get a question mark tattooed on their arm instead of the globe or the map. It is what it is. Exploring and the curiosity that comes along, are a part of the traveling experience that you cannot escape.

The team of ‘localites’ — being a global community of travelers and localites, understands this and recently launched their ‘askAnything’ feature.

Instead of relying on Facebook groups, random friends or internet searches, the feature allows you to ask your specific concern from a localite of the city, and hence seek reliable answers.

Here is why we find the feature to be a savior for travelers and how this community-driven global support platform can help you save time and seek authentic answers from the people of the city.

1. Expert advice

The feature can be used only by the members of the app, which means they have signed up as a localite for their own city or location. Your question will be answered only by someone who knows the city well and will not use an online platform to misguide you or prank you.

2. No cyber bullying

One single attempt of communication on open or public platforms often comes at the risk of receiving hate speech or abusive language. While people tend to misuse their ability to stay anonymous on most platforms, localites have clear guidelines to avoid such instances. Abusive language gets detected automatically leading to the removal of their post immediately. Any post reaching 10 reports are also taken down automatically.

3. Ad-free community platform

The Internet has indeed reached a point, where every our queries are almost always answered with an ad that will be ‘helpful’. No sponsored content, and we need someone to just answer us for a change. The feature, thankfully, prohibits commercial promotions, and can even lead to permanent deletion of the account of anyone trying to do so. The community is thus solely made by its people and nothing else.

4. Location or city specific

Before you ask your travel-related query, you get to choose the city you are concerned with. This way, the question reaches only the localites of these cities, reducing unnecessary crowding in your answer chain. You even get to read other frequently or already asked questions about the same city.

5. Save time and get relevant support

It becomes so irritating when we do not have a point-to-point answer of our concerns or issues or doubts. If I want to ask about Bali and someone is comments from Saudi Arabia, ‘Come and visit this beautiful country!’ That’s totally ridiculous and irrelevant to what I’m looking for.

With the askAnything, you not only save time, but you ask your question only to those who’re from that city or living in that location. That’d save you from getting irrelevant comments/replies from other people.

The app gives us access to a global community, and the askAnything feature helps us to narrow down to our cities of concern while planning our trips. Reliable, quick and safe — that is all fellow travelers were looking for in your answers.

Join the global community of localites and travel and meet people from the real world. Download the community app from Google Play or App Store and start your journey today!

Thanks for reading.

Have a good day!
localites - travel the real world