localites > stories > worldwide volunteer programs to save our beaches - ii


Dec 5


Worldwide volunteer programs to save our beaches - II

To explore and seek adventure is a primitive quality to being human. A quality that makes us further human is our ability to care. Last week, we talked about how our lives constantly interact with the marine ecosystems irrespective of whether we realize it or not. We can actively work towards making a positive impact on these ecosystems and be a reason for their survival and not extinction.

We talked about volunteering and learning programs in Indonesia, Egypt and Phillipines that come with an opportunity to act towards change during your travels. Here are a few more opportunities that you can add to the list, and pick one that is best for you:

  • Auckland has the most stunning beaches and it is always heartbreaking to look at the litter that gets accumulated in it’s ecosystems. Their Coast and Waterway Conversation project allows volunteers to be a part of a spectrum of activities. You can travel the entire coastline as you harmful litter from estuaries and harbors, you can also take part in planting native trees, collecting seeds and composting, work in plant nurseries and help in preserving and restoring the land that belongs to Maori communities.
  • Italy has another Environmental Project on the coast of Naples that is always in need of volunteer support. The focus of the program is conservation and reservation of the marine habitat. You will be involved in beach cleanup and even Kayak (local boat) patrolling for illegal fishing activities that makes you feel like the cool characters from whichever thrilling comics you read as a child. Adding to this you can work on outreach activities and preservation of archaeological ruins.
  • Marine Conservation volunteer project in Australia is another initiative addressing the high time need to act in care for its marine habitat. Volunteers who sign up get to help with reef monitoring and debris collection. You also get to take part in activities associated with sea turtle rehabilitation which you can learn more about on your trip.
  • Another exciting opportunity for traveling volunteers is at Belize. The program is based on a remote island of Caribbean sea and you can sign up for 1-8 weeks and live on the island during this. The program starts every Monday throughout the year. It comes with a guarantee of at least 13 dives in a week and comes with certification options. There are a few roles available allowing you to take part in Coral Reef Surveying, Removal of invasive species, Marine Species survey and Whale Shark Research.

If you won’t be able to find time to volunteer, there are other ways to make sure you practice ecotourism on your beach trips. Last week, we talked about how you can either opt for vegetarian food or seafood from local sellers instead of mass outlets or food chains, so your choices are against overfishing practices. This time we want to remind you how your relationship with locals is also a significant part of the trip. Eco-tourism aims to have minimal psychological and social impact on your destination. Keep your interactions with locals not only respectable but also curious. Ask about what kind of relationship their culture holds with the environment. Every country has their own way of interacting or worshipping nature figures. Learn more about how their values look at the environment and gather stories to share around the world and increase your outreach game on environmental awareness.

As a child, we heard many stories of the sea god and its curses. We look at the sea as such a powerful creature that we forgot to take care of it. We owe the sea a lot more than a week, we have lived of it’s resources and dumped our waste in it for a long long time. Any opportunity to work for it, will make your travel journey more rewarding and an extraordinary experience.

Note: It's the second part of our three story series. Stay tuned or join the community for updates about our future stories.

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Thanks for reading.

Have a good day!
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