Localites > Stories > People are paying for e-travel


April 27


People are paying for e-travel

Lately it feels like joy has been sucked out of our lives. The world got cancelled one by one. Major world events, national events, local events, movie releases, concerts, festivals, it all got cancelled one after the other. The thing that got cancelled before everything else were our travel plans. The local communities in each city began to feel more and more scared of its tourists. It was indeed one of the most unfortunate things that happened to our world. The travelers who were welcomed with open arms and enthusiasm, were treated with precaution, doubt and fear. Even the kindest of us, had to be cautious. If you are a part of the localites community, you definitely experienced at least one of them before we all got locked in our houses.

Right now, the world is going through so much. We are all fighting it, with awareness, with spreading joy in whatever ways we can. Art has popped up on all our social media feeds, we are having video calls more often than before, online classes, online meetings, and everything else. It is literally the internet versus the pandemic. Everything that we are missing out on, has to be fought with the internet.

Travelers always have a hunger for a new experience. The hunger to know about a new place, to meet new people and just to see what is out there. But there is no out there anymore. All our worlds are now inside houses, and if required, we must explore there, shouldn’t we?

Localites is introducing e-experiences. If you are a localite, this is an opportunity for you to host an e-experience, where you can ask our community members around the world to join for ‘an experience’. This could be anything - a story sharing experience of your local cultures, sharing stories and pictures of your previous trips, learning circles, celebrating festivals together, and anything you want it to be, with the added flavour of meeting people around the world. Adding the flavour of their local experiences. If the world is locked down in their houses, then maybe we need to bring those rooms to ours.

Like all localite experiences, here also you can choose to earn while holding these spaces.

Get started already. If you are already a member, list your e-experience on your profile. Start planning and host it via Skype, Zoom or Hangouts. If you are not a member click here to download the app, create your profile and start working.

Happy E-Experiences. May we all come out of this sane and with cherishable memories.

Thanks for reading. Stay home, stay safe.

Have a good day!
Team Localites

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