
How well you know the city of love and romance, Paris?

Explore something unexplored with the local people of Paris and make your travel worthy!

What you know about Paris is everybody knows. But what the localites of Paris know about it, nobody knows!

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let's take a local walk to Paris

explore something unexplored with the local people of Paris



Nightlife in Paris

No doubt you know Eiffel Tower, romantic spots in Paris but experiencing the night life of this city will give a satisfactory feeling and add value to your travel.

Don't just sit in a hotel and admire the beauty of Eiffel Tower all day and night. You know it's just made of iron and you have already clicked some pictures so what now? You wanna spend all of your budget in just sitting on the top of the Tower? You may, but I don't think so.

Get in touch with a localite from Paris who can take you to some unheard local great party and food spots nearby and explore the nightlife in Paris.



The Montorgueil Neighborhood

Everybody has been to Eiffel Tower and spend a lot of money. But have you heard of The Montorgueil Neighborhood in Paris? If not, you must add in your itinerary or let a localite plan your itinerary when you are in Paris. It makes sense in exploring the real Paris.

If you want to explore the best non-touristy neighborhoods while in Paris, the Montorgueil neighborhood is definitely one of them. If you love food and want to try the best traditional French specialties, the rue Montorgueil is the place you need to go to. If you’re curious and believe you can learn a lot about a country’s culture through its food, you have to go to this street.



The Montmartre Neighborhood

The Montmartre neighborhood is the most romantic and awesome place you’ll find in Paris. To visit Montmartre will positively inspire you and wake the artist in you up. The truth is that usually people that visit Paris go straight to the Sacré-Cœur Basilica or to Place du Tertre, where street artists do tourists portraits and illustrations of the neighborhood. Its narrow alleys, its windmills, its little details, its soul are some of the things that make Montmartre so unique.

Give a chance to localite to take you through this neighborhood so you won't have any language or cultural inconveniences.



Bastille Day

The 14th of July is a very special day in France as it celebrates and commemorates the storming of the Bastille. Considered a salute to the birth of French Democracy, Bastille Day is one of France’s biggest national holidays.

If you are in France during this day, you can head over to the Place de la Bastille where a huge dance party takes place. Or you could go to Champs-Elysées to witness the largest military parade.

Get in touch with a localite who can help you when and how to plan your Paris trip.



Nice Carnival

One of the best carnival in the world, alongside the Brazilian and Venetian carnivals.

So even though summer is a favorite holiday season in France, the month of February is also a great time to jet off to the country to experience this one-of-a-kind celebration in the town of Nice in the French Riviera. Every day is a joyous feast you won’t easily forget. From day one to its closing, the festival welcomes tourists with grand parades and spectacular fireworks.


travel the real world

plan your itinerary with a localite and explore something unexplored

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